Saturday, January 03, 2009

Getting Back to Normal

The suitcases are unpacked and put away. Most of the laundry is done (except for a load of kids clothes currently sitting in the dryer). There are a few piles around the house of things that are so essential for travel, but have to go back into their places when we get home. There are also a few piles of Christmas toys that have not been introduced to the rest of the toys. We just got back from our Whole Foods grocery expedition. Caitlin is in her room, attempting to nap with the light on and the door open. I'm sitting here, blogging, wondering when her little fear phase will end. I can handle the light now, but the open door is killing me! I hate having to be quiet just because she needs to nap. She's upstairs! I'm downstairs! It's not like I'm going to start jackhammering or something. All I want to do is normal house stuff that makes normal noises. But that will prevent her from sleeping.

All is getting back to normal. Even the weather, which has been mild the last few days, has dropped down to 23. Maybe snow tonight? We're back in Colorado for sure - land of bitter cold winter winds, dry skin, and slow drivers. We're back to bundling up when we head out the door. I knew we were getting spoiled in the central valley when Brandon, Caitlin, Grandpa and I would head out the door to play in the front yard without putting on sweaters, hats, scarves or mittens! However, even though I'm a California girl who is use to milder winter weather, that felt really really strange. I must be getting acclimated!

The next task on my "Getting Back to Normal" list is to undecorate the house. I'm tackling one thing at a time. Unpacking. Then laundry. Then suitcase storage. Then Christmas decorations. By the time I get that done, the shipment of our gifts will arrive, and I'll be ready to tackle that head on!

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