Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

I've been an absentee blogger for the last year or so. Posts swirl in my head, but getting them down is another story. Here are a few things that have been going on in our lives recently:

1) The kids and I have loved the summer movie express at Regal Theaters. We've seen 8 movies this summer, at a cost of $3 each time ($1 per person). Although I prefer living in more populated area, not living in one has been a benefit for these movies. We show up around 9:45, don't wait long, and get one. Once a movie was sold out, so we saw the other one that was playing. Once.

2) Today we're seeing "Brave." Caitlin asked me if we could see it. The summer movie express is over, so I'll have to pay a whopping $12 for the 3 of us to see the movie (cue fake sad music...).

3) Just over a week until school starts! I'm so ready for it. I'm not ready to get up early, though. I'm sure I'll be complaining in no time.

4) I'm *very* ready to be done with this hot summer! The end of summer can't come fast enough! We've been inundated with record heat and almost no rain since June. Colorado sun in searing on the body, so no one wants to be outside unless we're swimming. I practically have to bribe to kids to play outside in the evenings. I really miss living in a place where going outside in the summer isn't viewed as a form of torture.

5) My goal this week is to go through the kids school stuff that they brought home in May (ahem), and get all of all the current school supplies ready to drop off next Monday. I hope that they aren't too attached to the over abundance of laminated masterpieces they brought home.

6) I painted Caitlin's room! Finally! It's Pepto Bismol pink with a purple stripe. I'll post pictures later. One wall needs another coat of paint before I can put up a purple stripe, but that has to wait until it's nice enough to open windows in her room. At this rate that might be October. Even the low and zero VOC paint needs to air out for a few days.

7) Still gluten-free. I want to do another experiment with eating gluten, but after my not-so-stellar experience a couple of weeks ago, my body has not gone back to normal. I still don't know why my joints are hurting so much. Painting really took it out of me, I guess. Living like this is getting old. I'd like to reset the clock back about 5 years and get rid of all these body issues I've acquired.

8) My brother gets married in one month and one day! Tonight we are getting Brandon fitted for his tux, and then heading out to dinner (I'm already checking the gluten-free options on the menu).

9) Two of my friends move away this summer. One I knew about, and the other one just up and moved without a word. I only found out when I wondered why I hadn't seen or heard from her for a while and decided to check in. Made me a little sad to not be able to say goodbye.

10) I'm curious about our new schedule for the fall. The kids have opted not to do AWANA this year (Brandon says all the verses are too much with all his homework), so they're doing something called Base Camp at a church in Boulder on Wednesday evenings. Brandon's doing soccer, and I want to get Caitlin into swimming, but so far all the rec centers haven't put out any fall schedules. I want to get back to schedule and routine, but starting out can be bumpy!

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