Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Mild Spring Fever

Spring has officially arrived in Colorado. How do I know? For one, it's green outside. Some trees have leaves ... some don't... but the barren brown-ness that is Colorado in winter has given way to signs of life. The hills are a light green and ground cover is growing back. The Rockies have a nice tinge of different greens and browns now, instead of just the green of the evergreens in winter. The snow we get is light, only an inch at a time, and melts completely within a few hours of the sun coming up. My body and soul feel a bit more free in spring. The darkness and heaviness of winter has gone, and we all feel lighter. Of course, not having to covering up with a coat does help! It's also very windy. According to most Coloradoans that I know, it feels like Wyoming right now. No one is happy about that! Yesterday a 70+ MPH gust of wind slammed me against the car as I walked around to make sure Caitlin was buckled in. Didn't feel good. I can't wait for the winds here to die down. It's just generally miserable. At least it's warm, though. Those same winds in winter are brutal.

In the afternoons our street is filled with the sounds of children playing. I hear them going up and down the street on bikes, or running on the sidewalks. Brandon is never happy that he has to read at that time, but it does motivate him to get it done so he can have some playtime outside. I'm happy we are on a street with families again. It's not the same as what we left, but it's getting better. The small-town nature of it all gets to me, but I'm hoping this summer will be better that the last. Trying to avoid the gossip mill here takes work! I was also hoping to do VBS with the kids, but it seems that every church that is hosting VBS is doing it during the same two weeks - June 14th or June 21s - and we're gone those weeks. I wish I could find one that's a bit later in the summer, but that doesn't go along with Colorado's problem of doing everything to early. Luckily our summer has a couple of breaks from our home life, with a trip in June and vacation in July. I'm hoping the kids will love playing with their friends, and won't miss VBS.

Brandon asked me today how many weeks of school were left. Three weeks and one day! It seems so soon. I'm looking forward to this school year being over (as I always am about this time of year), and so is he. Caitlin isn't looking forward to preschool ending, but I think she'll be happy over summer. She'll just miss the fun of hanging with her preschool peeps. Is this spring fever that we all have? Looking forward to summer? If it is, I'm all for it.

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