Friday, September 28, 2012


Someone finally lost her first tooth today! It's only been lose for about a month, now!

She is so proud! This morning Caitlin told me she'd found something hard and rock-like in her breakfast. I was busy making lunches, so told her just to put it on the plate and not eat it, which she did. She ate the rest of her breakfast, got her backpack ready, put her shoes on, and got her hair combed. Right as she was about to put her breakfast dish in the dishwasher, she came up and showed me her "rock." Her tooth! There was no bleeding and no pain, so we didn't even know that was the hard thing hiding in the dried peas. Good thing it didn't stick in the banana she'd had first - we might never have found it! I'm sure everybody she knows at school will see her gap today.

Based on how long it took her to get her baby teeth in, I thought she'd be closer to second grade before she lost even one tooth. Guess not! Tonight we'll put her tooth in her special tooth fairy pillow. Good thing the tooth fairy went to the bank last month. Never know when she'll need a gold coin!

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