Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Leapster Expectations

Today was my first foray out into the real world after our long Christmas break. Brandon went back to school today, and I was heading to Bible Study. After getting Brandon out the door at 7:40 (which wasn't as easy as it had been pre-Christmas break), I managed to get Caitlin into the car and leave at a fairly normal time. The snow was lightly falling as we drove to Boulder. And Caitlin went on and on about wanting to come to class with me.

Now, I love my little daughter dearly, but do not (repeat - *do not*) want her to come to my class with me. I'm doing a Beth Moore study, and today was video day. If Caitlin comes to class with me, I don't get to watch to the video. I get to say "be quiet" about 50 thousand times. I get to listen to Caitlin sing her mashed-up renditions of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" or the "Jingle Bells, Batman smells" song (remember that one from your childhood? It's still around). I get to get up and get Caitlin snacks every 10 seconds. And, eventually, I get to leave with Caitlin in tow. Probably early. Call me selfish, but I wanted to watch the video! After about 10 minutes of Caitlin insisting that she was coming to my class, and me gently telling her that she gets to go to her own class, she broke out with a huge whine of "I'll just play my Leapster when you watch your video!"

Ah, the Leapster. I forgot about the Leapster. I also forgot the Leapster at home, which ended Caitlin's insistence about coming to class with me.

Then it dawned on me. In early November Brandon had a random Wednesday holiday. Bible study was still in session, so I took him with me. The 5-6 year old class isn't big, and Brandon still knows most of the kids and teachers there. Due to his young age for being in first grade, and the high number of homeschooled kids at our church, there are many kids in the class that are his age, slightly older, or at least at his same level. However, I told him that if the class was full, he could just come into my class with me and play his Leapster. It all made sense! Caitlin thought that because she now had a Leapster, she could just head off to class with Mom and play it in the corner. As if her Leapster ownership catapulted her into a new realm of big girl territory. Trouble is, Caitlin is high maintenance. Brandon is not. At least not in that sort of situation.

So now I know. I'm informed. And I'm wrong. I thought Caitlin didn't remember as much as Brandon. Silly me!

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