Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kids and Bedtime

What is it about little kids and their inability to stay in bed in the evening? We think Caitlin is nearing the end of her napping phase of life. However, the phase is not over yet. How do we know? If she doesn't nap, she breaks down in the evenings, right around dinner time. So fun. If she does nap, she's in a much better mood in the early evenings, but then is awake up in her room after we put her down for bed. It's so frustrating!!!

I took the kids to the park today for a play date (not that anyone we know ever shows up on these scheduled play dates, but that's another story altogether). We were, of course, the only ones there, so I made a point to run around and play with the kids. Always a good thing, and prevented me from being shown up the incredibly fit grandparents running after their grand kids. After our lunch there, we made a quick trip to Costco, and then home. The kids were great. We had fun, no whining, shared frozen yogurt, and got all the errands done. Around 2:30 the kids had to go up to their rooms to rest. Brandon doesn't nap, but is required to stay in his room for the allotted time so that I can have a little time to myself. Caitlin wanted me to lay down with her, and I obliged. She was out in 5 minutes. Only one song played while I was in her room. She was up at 3:45. She helped me do a few things outside, rode her bike up and down the street, and generally ran around. Come bedtime, though, she's up and about. AAHHH!! What else do I need to do to wear her out?

There are the excuses... "Mommy, I need a drink."
The facts....." I need to use the bathroom."
The delays...."Mommy, I need to show you something....."
The threats ... "Caitlin, if you get out of bed one more time I will need to give you a spanking!"
and the questions..... " Mommy, will it be a hard spanking?"

Of course, sweetie. Soft spankings never did anyone any good, now, did they?

I almost can't wait for school to start, since we'll all have to be up before 7:00 am, and the kids will need to being bed by 8:00. In all reality, part of me would like the put this off. I *hate* getting up early. I'll be up at 6:00 am. And I hate that. Did I mention how much I hate getting up early in the morning? But, even within all that early morning hate, I'm hoping with the sheer exhaustion of getting up early, Caitlin will be asleep at night sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

Christa said...

Brings back memories ♥
You will survive