Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lamb Ears and Stage Fright

The children at Highway did a sing along last Sunday, the 17th. Brandon, of course, was scared to go on stage. He was being held offstage by a friend's dad until Brian went to see where on earth he was! (thanks, Joel!) Brian did manage to get Brandon to sit on stage as long as he remained at Brandon's side. That was just so mom could see her wee babe on stage! We had practiced the songs, and he knew both of them by heart. But still, stage fright set it.

The 2 and 3 year olds were lambs in the productions, while the older children were angels, shepherds, etc. Not only was Brandon barely on stage, but he wouldn't wear the lamb ears. I got him to wear them afterwards in his class.


Make a Funny Face!

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