Thursday, August 16, 2007

You Want to Watch What?

The other day, when Brandon woke up from his nap, he asked if we could watch the funny show with the red-haired lady. What show is that?, you might ask yourself. "Jo Jo's Circus"? Maybe "I Love Lucy"? No. "Reba". Brandon's favorite show is "Reba."

I wake Brandon up from his nap around 4:00. I have to, since we like it when he goes to bed at a normal time. His routine includes getting a sippy cup of warm milk and sitting on my lap. Since our move to Colorado, he's turned into the most anal of wakers, and has to sit in the center of my lap, with his blankey spread out over him and me. I'm not allowed to touch him or blankey, making for a very boring 5 minutes of milk drinking. Then he wants his cuddle time. Then I can cuddle him, but still no talking, since he's just waking up. Cuddle time can go on forever, but usually goes for 10 to 15 minutes. Not doing just what he wants provokes much whining from the aforementioned child. Sometimes I tune into "Oprah", but that just gets old after a while. I started switching channels, and found "Reba" on the CW. It's actually surprisingly funny. Brandon is always cracking up at the jokes, although I'm sure he really doesn't get most of them. He loves Van, the dumb jock. He laughs if I laugh, as well. Our old routine included the milk, cuddle time, and then usually going outside and running around for a while. The non-stop heat here (okay, today has only topped out at 85 - fairly cool by comparison), and the lack of fun neighbors who also need to get their kids outside to run around, have pretty much put an end to that for the summer. I'm really looking forward to fall and the ability to go outside again without melting! But for now, if you stop by my house around 4:00, we're probably watching Reba.

1 comment:

Christa said...

I recognized the "sitting" and milk drinking routine when we were visiting, oh yeah the blanket also. But watching Reba???, well I admit I have seen it a few times and it is funny and it's not harmful.
Give him my love