Thursday, February 14, 2008

Adam and Eve in the (Toddler)hood

Brandon gets to choose 2 books or 2 stories for us to read to him when he goes to bed. He gets stuck on books, so we end up reading 2 chapters each evening. Lately it's been his Storybook Bible. It's not my favorite of his Bibles. It doesn't have a lot of the stories that he wants to read (like Joshua knocking down the walls of Jericho, for example), and the stories are geared towards older children (which has never stopped Brandon from reading anything, though). I also find it hard to reconcile some of the harshness of the stories with the cutsy, Precious Moments drawings on the opposite pages. Here is the one I stared at last night:

I just kept staring at the pictures of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when they must have been somewhere around oh, say, 4 years old. All the while reading the words of the Lord to Eve:
I will cause you to have much trouble....when you give birth to children."

And the words of the Lord to Adam:
"You listened to what your wife said. And you ate from the fruit of the tree I commanded you not to eat from. So I will put a curse on the ground. You will have to work very hard for food."

I'm still staring at the picture, thinking the whole time "They're preschoolers! Dude, you're cursing preschoolers!" God is telling them they must leave their home. And they're 4!!!!

I just know that I'm going to lose it one of these days, say my thoughts out loud, and thus wreck my child's Bible believing future. I mean, aren't my thoughts akin to blasphemy? Maybe I shouldn't be reading the Storybook Bible. I'm obviously not mature enough to handle the pictures.

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