Thursday, October 16, 2008

"A Book About Me"

Without any prompting, Brandon wrote a book for me and Brian the other day. He folded and glued two pieced of paper together so it even opens like a book. He was so proud (still is!). It's so cute that I thought I'd share it with you. Musings from the mind of a 5 year old. It is written in pencil, so you'll need to click on each picture and expand it in order to see it better.

That last page? Looks like "deno"? Says "D End". We're still working on the pronunciation of the word "The", and obviously still working on spelling! :-)


Anonymous said...

OMG that is so cute!!! I especially love "D end"!!!

I also love the fact that the dog and cat look a lot like each other, the horse looks like a cat (or at least looks a bit like Snooch from ) and the cow is EASILY distinguishable from the spots!!! that made my day! :)

Carol said...

This is soooo cute. I love his drawings how sweet. No wonder he's so proud of it.


Christa said...

Very nice, a keeper his first book. Good reading skills. ♥

Ro said...

In his color books, all cats are orange, which is the color of our neighbors cat (whom we love!). Someday the animals will get ears!