Monday, April 09, 2007

Maybe She Shouldn't Have Short Hair

I'd like to blame the hardhat that she's holding for the lovely hairdo, but I can't. Caitlin has always slept well, and sometimes very hard. Like any kid, she sometimes sleeps under her blanky, resulting in a sweaty, messy mop of hair. Most 14 month olds don't have this much hair to begin with. Eventually, though, all parents of girls will have to deal with this kind of hairdo. Brian wakes up with hair that looks like this, but I don't. Let's hope that that it doesn't get worse as her hair gets longer!

1 comment:

Christa said...

It gets better as it gets longer, your's used to stand straight up in the back after sleeping (when it was short). As she gets older her hair will still be fine, but it should get more manageable. Yours got manageable around the age of 2/3. Except when it was short at age 4.