Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thank God for Daddy!

Today has been a rough day. You'd think it would have turned out wonderfully, as we didn't have anything to do today. I could wake up with the kids, get their day started out in a leisurely fashion, and just go from there. However, today I woke up the The Whiny Monster Who Has Taken Over Brandon's Body (aka TWMWHTOBB). TWMWHTOBB has done such a good job with the take-over that I really can't see any remnants of Brandon at all.

I was greeted at 7:15 this morning by TWMWHTOBB, whining that he wanted some cuddle time. He snuggled with me in bed (so cute), and we cuddled under the covers. At one point I thought that he had gone back to sleep. No such luck. Brandon can lay very still for long periods of time, making you think that he is sleeping when, in fact, he is not. After a while he said, "Don't you think it's time we got up and got me some milk?" If my answer is anything other than "yes" there is a flood of tears. TWMWHTOBB followed me into the kitchen, whined that he couldn't open the microwave to warm the milk, whined about pushing the start button, and whined that it was taking too long (I guess he hasn't gotten use to the 38 second warm-up after all). He whined as he drank his milk. He whined as I fast forwarded through the traffic reports on the news. He whined that Caitlin woke up and was whining. He whined at the park that I had forgotten his shovel. In fact, TWMWHTOBB has just been whining all day!!!! It's days like these that I start to wonder how I am going to raise these kids for the next 18 plus years when I can't even get through the next 18 minutes! My prayers all morning have been something to the effect of "Dear God, please make him stop whining." Or "Dear God, please don't let me kill him." And, "Dear God, please get me through the next few minutes." The loudness of my voice has gone a level or two higher, and I'm using the tone I reserve for use when I want a dog to sit down. I usually save this tone for special times, but not today. I think it has been the only tone I've used (maybe not, but my short term memory has blocked out chunks of this morning already). Both children are currently napping, and I thank God for that! The house is a train wreck, but at least it's a quiet one.

All this brings me to the title of this blog post - "Thank God for Daddy!" I have Bunco tonight! I get to leave the house....alone....and be with only adults for the evening. Thank God! If I didn't know that option was available, I might have already lost it with The Whiny Monster Who Has Taken Over Brandon's Body. I hope that the presence of Daddy, combined with the absence of Mommy, will calm Brandon down, make TWMWHTOBB go away, and create a pleasant evening for all. Let's pray for that, shall we?

1 comment:

Christa said...

Sometimes daddies can become life savers. I hope the regular Brandon has come back.