Sunday, April 29, 2007


I am so overwhelmed, I can barely write. Last Wednesday my playgroup gals threw a little party for me and my friend Taira (who is also moving next week), and today our friends threw a going away open house party for us. I don't even know what to say. My heart is so full of emotion I think it might explode. I had to excuse myself a few times today because I thought I was going to cry. I'm good at using frivolous excuses, such as "Caitlin is going to be killed by the swings" just to get away so I won't start weeping! (Okay, that's a valid excuse, but an excuse none-the-less). I am excited about our move, but the process is daunting. Packing while being a mommy of young kids is much harder than packing while single, even when you work full time! I'm sure that many out there agree with me! My time really isn't mine anymore. I took a few pictures today, but have no idea when they'll get online (Brian packed the computer yesterday). I don't know how I will cope without my extended support network of friends, especially those in the same stage of life as me. But just so you know, dear friends, I will miss each and every one of you. I wanted to say that here, since I forget to say things like that in life.


Mike said...

Wish I could've been there. I haven't seen you in ages, but I'm still going to miss you and Brian. Best of luck with the move.

threeforme said...

I didn't notice you losing it. I thought you held it together very well on Sunday.

Padyn is sure going to miss Brandon. Who will see play with on Sundays? Who will I commisserate with over my over active child?