Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Lunchtime Miracle!

On Wednesdays Brandon stays at his preschool until 12:30 so that I have time to get home from my women's bible study at our church in Boulder. I pack his lunch in the morning, and he's usually close to done when I show up. Today I packed a whole sandwich (that's two pieces of bread, people), a container of applesauce, and a Trader Joe's fruit strip (imported from California). When I showed up at the preschool, I noticed that Brandon had eaten his ENTIRE sandwich! This has never happened before! Not only had he eaten his sandwich, but he'd eaten both fruit strips in the package, and almost all of his applesauce! I am so proud of him that I have to tell everyone! Brandon's a skinny boy, and there's a reason for it. Lack of food will do that to you.

Brandon's class also celebrated his birthday today. He had a little sign on his cubby that said "Happy Birthday", and was wearing a little birthday crown and sticker when I arrived. I brought some mini-cupcakes for snack, and the kids sang "Happy Birthday" for him during snack time. They were going to do it Monday, but one of the teachers was sick, and all the kids were indoors the entire time due to the rain, so it was a bit overwhelming. I had prepped Brandon ahead of time so he wouldn't be surprised, so he was understandably a little sad when nothing happened. He was so excited today, though, to have had his birthday celebration. You can see the joy in his face in the picture above (although he has no neck. What happened to my photo taking skills?). When we got home, and he took off his sweatshirt, he wanted me to take the Happy Birthday sticker off his sweatshirt and put it on his regular shirt. I think he's still proud.


Anonymous said...

awwww! love the picture - he's such a little Brian! Happy Birthday to him from me!

Christa said...

What a cutie, what a fun day for him.