Friday, September 14, 2007


There has not been much going on at the P-4 household in the last few days. I've had a terrible headache, caused by sinuses. So.Much.Fun. When I move my head to the left or right the world takes a little while to catch up! The pain is very similar to migraine pain, but I don't have the migraine nausea. The light sensitivity is enough to kill me sometimes. My house looks like a cave today, with all the curtains drawn! I'm so tired of not feeling well, and not being myself. I've been off since we moved - which means it's been over 4 months of being completely out of sync!

The house stuff is moving along well. We submitted our report on what needs to be fixed, based on the house inspectors recommendations, and the owner signed off on it without countering. Very nice. Of course, we were careful about what needed to be fixed, and only pointed out the major issues. We were told that no house is perfect, and we know that. However, we do have to do a lot of work on our end to make the house inhabitable, which ultimately ends up being money out of our pocket up front. We weren't willing to compromise more than a little bit on these repairs. It's a load off my mind that we can move forward. We will just be credited the costs, so more work on our part, but at least we'll have the cash to cover it! The owner will be renting back the place for a few days, but we'll be able to start the work that needs to be done during the first week of October. I can't believe we close in two weeks. Crazy!

Brandon is enjoying preschool. He tells me every day how much he likes his preschool, which really makes me happy. He just adores his teachers, and has become friends with a little boy named Eli. We are going to Chuck-E-Cheese on Sunday for Brandon's 4th birthday, and Eli and his family are joining us. I really thought we'd know more kids after being here for 4 months, but we don't. Moving in May got us here just in time to miss out on all the school-year routines that seem to abound everywhere. Everything was winding down. I'm glad things are getting back in line, and that Brandon has made a friend.

Caitlin is growing up in leaps and bounds! She regularly says 2-word sentences, like "Bye bye Daddy", and does a few 3-word sentences as well. She has learned to say school, and gets very excited when we go to Brandon's school. It was cold and rainy at the beginning of week (went from 60 to 88, and we're back in the 60's again! 85 tomorrow.....), so Brandon's class was playing in the gym instead of the play yard when we arrived to pick him up. Caitlin got so offended that we weren't going to the play yard! It was annoying and funny all at the same time. But he wasn't there, so what was I suppose to do? She's still a major klutz, but is getting a little better. Once we're moved I think I'll look into some sort of gym class for her. I know she's only 19 1/2 months, but she's so much klutzier than her peers!

That's all from the P-4 household for today. Hopefully I'll be more inspired next week to write more!

1 comment:

Christa said...

The spinning part sounds alot like what I had last week. It started out with a headache (I also have migraines and wonder?), when I laid down everything seemed to be spinning everytime I opened my eyes, and was and still am just plain tire. Sinuses will do it, plus you may be experienceing different or new allergies.