Thursday, January 24, 2008


Today was my parent/teacher evaluation for Brandon. After our great day yesterday, he did get a fairly glowing report today. He's doing quite well in his Pre-K class. He can count to 99, which is pretty high for his age, and recognizes all his capital letters, and all but a few of his lower case letters. That surprised me, since he is sounding out every word he sees and reading quite a few of them. His addition and subtraction is way above normal, as is his ability to do puzzles. Those are things he likes, and things we do at home all the time, though, which could explain it. His vocabulary and sentence structure is above normal as well. Those of you who know Brandon know that he's always been an avid talker! I use to notice a big difference in his speech compared to other kids his age, but that's all starting to even out. All in all it was a good report. I'll be signing him up soon for kindergarten this fall, so it's good to know that his teacher thinks that he's ready!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

He sounds quite above average! Do they have a "gifted" program at his future school? Sounds like you should look into it! :)