Friday, January 11, 2008

We're Still Around

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. We've slowly been getting back into the regular life routine after abandoning it for close to 3 weeks. The kids have had to go back to a regular bedtime and an early wake up time for school. Besides just getting out of the house by 8:00 to get Brandon to school, this was the week of both MOPS and my women's Bible Study. Not only do I have to get out of the house early, but I feel compelled to shower and look good, too.

I've also had some serious sinus pressure for the few days. The headaches and nausea are almost unmanageable at time. Sort of like having a migraine. Taking Benedryl helps, but it's made me really loopy. Yesterday I made myself a nice cup of hot water. I put the coffee filter and the water in the coffee pot, but not the most important ingredient - the coffee. The initial disappointment was huge. I also tried to wash a load of towels without soap. Glad I figured that one out prior to the finish of the wash cycle. The worst is that I'll stop to have a thought, and don't finish. I find myself staring off into space, wondering what I was thinking about in the first place. I have a hard time being on the computer when I get these headaches (my eyes never idle, which isn't a fun vision problem to have, and work overtime focusing on the computer screen, which just exasperates the situation). We got a new laptop last week, and I can handle the screen a heck of a lot better than our old one! Yeah! My typing has also improved, except when under the influence of Benadryl. I'm hoping to post more next week, and get some new pictures up, or tell you about Brandon's new love - reading. He's getting pretty good (or "perty good" - Benedryl speaking). See you then!


Christa said...

Ah, such is life. I have made hot water many times, and other times I have put in the coffee only to wake up to a hot pot, 'cause I forgot the water. Getting back to routine, sometimes takes a while.
I'd love to hear Brandon "read".
Love to all
PS: Send me their measurements, please.

Anonymous said...

"The worst is that I'll stop to have a thought, and don't finish. I find myself staring off into space, wondering what I was thinking about in the first place."

I SOOOO know this feeling today. Just getting back to work after 4 days at home with food poisoning, and my brain is not fully functional. That description fits my mind today perfectly. Hope it's better for you by now?

Ro said...

Ah, the joys of food poisoning. Had it once. I have hazy memories of being in bed or in the bathroom, and that people kept visiting me to make sure I was alive. I'm so sorry to hear that you went through that! Hope you are feeling better!