Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Things I Did Today

Today was the first day back to solo child rearing during the day. Meaning - Brian had to go back to work. I think I did okay. Here are the highlights of our day:

1) Took both kids in for haircuts. The boy was looking shaggy.

2) Contemplated sending the boy to boarding school.

3) Chipped the last of the outdoor Christmas lights out of the ice on the front porch (we put the ornaments away yesterday. Tree is going tonight). Unfortunately, one bulb did not make it.

4) Decided to pick up and toss the Victoria's Secret bra that has been out on our front lawn. I thought someone might claim it by now. No such luck. It's brand new, too!

5) Contemplated sending the boy to boarding school.

6) Planned out meals for the next month.

7) Plundered the Ralph Lauren hand towels at Dillards. With 4 bathrooms, hand towels are quite the commodity around here. And they were on sale for $1.00 or $2.00 each.

8) Fed my children fast food for lunch. It was their treat for being good at the salon, they were happy at Chick-Fil-A, and I didn't have to clean up my kitchen!

9) Contemplated sending the boy to boarding school.

10) Picked up the plethora of books that Brandon and Caitlin managed to spread all over the "bedroom library", as Brandon calls it.

11) Turned on the Roomba (robotic vacuum cleaner) so that my house might start looking neat. Until Caitlin cried. She visits the Roomba daily, when it's turned off. But when it's on - gallons of tears!

12) Contemplated sending the girl to boarding school.

How was your day?


Jodi said...

I'd like the name of that boarding school you're sending your kids to! :)

Ro said...

As soon as I find one that accepts young kids, I'll send out the info! :-)