Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"But I'm Never Tired!"**

Brian got a Wii Fit for his upcoming birthday (no, seriously - it's what he wanted). We decided to try it out last night. Somewhere in the middle of the game where you ward off oncoming soccer balls with your head, Brian thought he heard a snicker. But no one was behind him. Turns out there was a young Brandon sitting on the stairs, watching all of this via the reflection in the face of our wall clock! Every night for the past month he's been asking us why he has to go to bed before us? Why can't he stay up late like Mommy and Daddy?

Any good suggestions? I haven't been able to supply him with an answer that fulfills him, despite trying. He isn't convinced that he's not exactly like mom and dad. Now, not only does he have to go to bed early, but he now knows how much fun he's missing out on!!!

**uttered nightly by a young Brandon


Christa said...

Tell him that because he is still little his body needs more rest. When he is resting/sleeping his body is regenerating (refueling all the energy he used all day)and 'growing' and that when he is grown like 'daddy' he won't need to sleep as much. Also that because he is now a big boy in school he needs his rest/sleep to help him learn new things everyday.

Carol said...

When Brinn asks us that, I tell her that mommy and daddy need time together, so that we can spend better time with her, and doing things she enjoys doing.

Other than that I just tell her because we're the parents, and that's the way it is, but it's easier to say that to a 9 year old.