Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Anni--, or is it Blogi--(?) versary

Today marks the date that I quit working. My boss didn't know that I didn't plan on coming back. My plan was to stay out at least 4 months (maternity leave plus 12 weeks of FMLA), but to quit as long as my husband was still working . Brandon was born on September 16th. Layoffs at Brian's company started in January, and he weathered those until the bitter end. So, happy anniversary to me.

Today also marks 2 years in the blogosphere. My first blog, on August 31st, 2006, was just the beginning of many. I'd lurked on various blogs over the years, but not nearly as many as I do these days. It's a very strange thing to me that I can read a person's blog, sometimes written over several years, and feel like I know that person very well, but yet not know them at all. I can become fascinated with the passions and wonderful writings of people that I know in real life would drive me bonkers! It's those passions, though, that make their blogs so much fun!

So, to you 3 readers out there, thanks for joining me on this adventure. I've been officially unemployed now for 5 years now, and busier than I've ever been in my life!

1 comment:

threeforme said...

Isn't it frightening how busy we are now?

Happy Blog-versary!