Monday, September 01, 2008


I'm so tired of all the little nasty bugs in Colorado. They're tiny, but committing genocide in my house! It could be so much worse, I know. I could be in Texas. But still, these little bugs are everywhere. Dying in my lights. Collecting on the window sills. I lifted the blinds the other night on a fairly unused window in the living room, and there must have been about 100 little dead bugs! Yuck! I got out the vacuum cleaner immediately to dispose of the carnage. It's been a little better since Brian re-screened the sliding door screen, but still...!

And now, one is crawling across the computer screen.


Can't you see it?


Christa said...

Yeah, I understand the big problem.

Mike said...

As I was reading your first sentence (and saw the word "tiny") I thought to myself "you could be in Texas".

In my first few weeks at college I discovered: large, biting ants; swarms of big black crickets of a Biblical nature - so thick that they covered the ground and you couldn't take a step without hearing and feeling the disgusting crunch, and of course; giant cockroaches.

And that lasted for four years. Well, the crickets were just in the late summer but still... EEWWW.

So anyway, I was glad to see you acknowledge that it could be worse! But you still have my sympathy, as California remains relatively bug free.