Friday, September 12, 2008


Is it sad that I'm excited I'm finally out of dish detergent? I bought a huge thing of Dawn from Costco over a year ago, and it's finally finished! After we moved to Colorado I decided to switch from conventional cleaners to eco-friendly cleaners, and have not been disappointed. I breath easier, have stopped sneezing when I clean or do laundry, and feel better that I'm not filling the air of my house with toxic chemicals. I haven't had any skin irritations or rashes with the eco-friendly detergents or lotions I've been using, which is a big plus for my skin! I've always been limited in what I could use due to allergic reactions. Caitlin is very much the same. I'm still waiting to run out of dishwasher detergent, which will be my final cleaning product to switch. There are a lot of choices around here. My local Costco offers several eco-friendly options from a couple Colorado-based companies, which makes it easier on my wallet. I'm working on organic, too, but that undertaking is so huge that I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. I have discovered that Whole Foods is cheaper than Safeway in most areas, so I'm shopping there more often. There are more health-food-ish stores here than I remember in California, offering more organic and eco-friendly alternatives. I still haven't found a good substitute for Oxi-Clean powder, or regular bleach, but I'm working on that. Like everything, change takes time. But there are so many options out there that I'm sure I'll find something!

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