Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"My Tummy Hurts!"

Caitlin woke up around 12:30 in the morning whining, complaining of an upset tummy, and eventually throwing up all her dinner. According to Brian, my first response was to sit up on the side of the bed, while still asleep, and tell her everything was going to be okay. I have no recollection of that! Brian and I took turns getting up with her until 4:00 am (although he's a faster riser, so he was up more than me). We even tried bringing her into our bed for a while to see if she'd sleep, but she didn't. When we moved back to her room, she threw up all over me. Fun. But it's easier to change my nightgown at 3:00 am than the whole bed. Mercifully, Caitlin slept from 4:00 am to 6:30, when we were again woken up to the sound of more whining and the sentence we've heard about 50 times, "My tummy hurts.....!" Caitlin was awake from 6:30 to about 9:30, and is now sleeping soundly in her crib. I've managed to shower and do two loads of laundry, but really only because I decided to let Brandon watch all 2 hours of "Cars" (he just told me that he's never watched this much of "Cars" before(!!)). He has, but it was a long time ago, when he was the sick kid, instead of being the other kid who is trapped in the house because of the sick one. But seriously, why edit the TV watching today? We can't go anywhere, and the forecast for today is 50 degrees and raining. Right now it's 45, which is not far from yesterday's high. Seeing as I am relegated to wearing flip-flops for at least another week or so, I don't think we'll be outside today.

And, on top of it all, I am tired. I'm sure Brian is as well. For one reason or another, I haven't managed to get more than 4-5 hours of sleep each of the last three nights. In my sleepy state, I managed to continually step incorrectly on my left foot, which is the one with the broken toe, so my toe is just throbbing today, even after taking ibuprofen and applying arnica. Could also be because I had to go shopping yesterday, since we were running low on food. At least I don't have to go out today!

I should really go make some pesto and hydrate some sun-dried tomatoes. I have a few freezer meals to make today, and it's best to do them when only one child is awake!


Anonymous said...

poor kid! poor mommy too! hurt and tired sucks. hope the kids take long naps today!!

Christa said...

oh oh! No fun for Caitlin or Mom! Hope she is feeling better soon and I agree long naps!! ♥ ♥

Christa said...

hoping Caitlin is feeling better this morning. ♥