Friday, October 13, 2006

Pumpkin Patch - Again

I took Brandon to the doctors office this morning. He's had a cough for about 4 weeks now that just won't go away. On top if it all, he sounds terrible (by the way he sounds, you wouldn't want your kid playing with mine). I also wanted to make sure it wasn't turning into anything worse. It's not. Anyway, he wanted to go back to the Pumpkin Patch and ride the train again (the one I had to force him on last week). The three of us, plus what seemed like a thousand school kids (I cringed when I saw the buses pulling into the parking lot), spent a couple of hours running around in hay and pumpkins. The temperature is great today - 68 degrees - and perfect for running around in!

A typical Caitlin picture. The one taken right after this one is just of her hand, reaching for the camera lens. What's up with that tongue?

The kiddos. As you can see, eating hay is Caitlin's favorite Pumpkin Patch activity.

Mom and her babies. All of us are actually looking at the camera at the same time! (Wow, my hair is looking really brown these days) . Oh My Gosh - Caitlin's tongue is actually in her mouth!

A great picture of Brandon. Note the lollipop from the doctors office.


threeforme said...

Seriously, what's up with eating the hay? Kate did the same thing. It can't be tasty. Not more tasty than, say, baby pear food.

Ro said...

Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with they hay thing. Brandon wasn't much for putting stuff in his mouth, but Caitlin seems to have a steady diet of twigs, leaves, rocks, sticks, and now hay!