Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Caitlin the Jealous

My friend Mary came over for dinner tonight. Her husband is out of town on business, and she is coping with her 2 month old and 2 1/2 year old. Ah....I remember those times well..... but not fondly. Someone else's cooking during Brian's business trips (well, anytime, really) was always appreciated! Anyway, I was holding little 2 month old Nicole, and bouncing her while she looked over my shoulder. For some strange reason, she stops crying when I hold her. Then Caitlin saw it. And oh my, she did not like what she saw. Her mother holding someone else's child! And not her! Gasp!!! She ran across the room and flung herself at my legs. She held on to my pants right above the knees and tried her darndest to climb Mt. Mommy. I was afraid she might bowl me over. The whole time she had her head buried in my knees, crying and slobbering all over me. No intelligible words were coming out of her mouth (but then again, she's almost 22 months. What am I really expecting? Clarity?). Blubbering, sobbing, coating my pants with tears. When I finally did sit on the couch with Nicole, Caitlin was right up there with me. She snuggled down into my arms and looked up at me with her big blue eyes. The cuteness factor went way up. But, as I suppose it does with all children at one time or another,my sympathy level went way down. She never wants to do this with just me. Why does it take holding a baby to bring out the snuggle-bunny in my child? Am I not good enough for you, little one? I'll have more sympathy with your struggles when you want to cuddle with me just because I'm your Mommy. Not because you are jealous.

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