Friday, November 30, 2007

Please Knock, Baby Sleeping

The doorbell rang at 3:30. It was UPS delivering a package. They must do a "ring and run" sort of thing, because I have never been able to get to the door before the delivery person has gotten back into the truck and started driving away. Even when I lived in a 1000 square foot duplex! It was 10 steps to the front door, and I still couldn't get there on time! When we moved to Colorado I didn't put up a "Please Knock" sign over the doorbell. My babies rooms were not within a stone's throw of the front door, so I figured that it didn't matter. Obviously I am an idiot. Caitlin can hear a doorbell being rung 10 houses away, and will, in fact, rise from her nap when it happens. Doesn't matter how loud it is. Doesn't matter that it's not for her. Doesn't matter how long she's been asleep. She will rise. I don't know what I have done, but I can't figure out why I'm not allowed to have more than half-an-hour to myself per day, not counting bathroom breaks. Unfortunately, I will probably be that pathetic mom doing the "happy dance" when my kids are in school. The mom that no other moms can relate to. The mom that is so gleeful, at least for that first week of school, that she can go to the grocery store without a screaming toddler, or that she can try on a pair of jeans without her preschooler announcing the color of her underwear to the entire dressing room. I will be that happy woman, at least for the first week!

1 comment:

threeforme said...

I, too, look forward to that day.