Tuesday, November 13, 2007

little red tags.....

Little red tags, little red tags
Oh, how I hate you little red tags
You are everywhere, on boxes and bags
Oh, how I hate you, little red tags

Little red tags, little red tags
Known to the moving company as happy little flags
But peeling you off is such a drag
Oh, how I hate you, little red tags

You remind me of driving, you remind me of the pain
Of hearing Caitlin cry across the dusty Utah plains
Could such noise in that quiet land be more profane?
My hatred of you, no, it will never wain

Little red tags, little red tags
You know I will toss you into the trash bag
To be throw out like an old dishrag
Yes, you must go, little red tags


Anonymous said...

hee hee. very creative!! i still have a few little white tags around from my move over 10 years ago!

threeforme said...

I'm the same. I still find little green tags from our cross country move 8 years ago. They stay with you FOREVER.

Ro said...

Man, I thought it was bad to still be finding them after 6 months! Now you're telling me I have YEARS to go? Maybe I'll come up with a better poem in 8 to 10 years.

threeforme said...

I bet you won't even notice them anymore in a year, let alone be inspired to write prose about them.