Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Brushing Caitlin's Teeth

Click here to see a video of our attempt at brushing Caitlin's teeth (all 6 of them)


Christa said...

She's quite the character isn't she.

Anonymous said...

That is about the way it goes when I try to brush Josh's teeth, although he screams by the end. He's up to 12 teeth in and 2 teeth just cutting through the surface. It's a flip from when Brandon had a mouth full of teeth and Emily had just a couple.
By the way, keep posting's fun to see you guys in motion and feel like we are there. A walking tour of the house would be great. Or maybe a video of Brandon singing one of his funny songs.

Ro said...

I'll do a walking tour of the house once it's walkable. It's such a mess now! Seriously, it's a good thing I don't have any friends yet because I'd be embarrased for them to come over.