Monday, September 04, 2006


Here are some of the unique things that Brandon says:

Brandon has a handful of pebbles:
What do you have?
I have a half of rock.
Don't you mean a handful of rocks?
No. I have a half of rock from the dirt over there.

Pee pees! Pee pees! Pee pees! (As he's running through the house, the store, the park, etc. My job is to then find a bathroom quickly)

Is it morning for us yet? (usually said as I am stumbling down the hall to make some coffee)

We'll go straight away (from watching too much British based "Thomas the Tank Engine")

No Lelling (no yelling)

I'm a slacka-slacka (or whatever made up word he has decided to use that day)

No, Mommy, that's my job!!! (whenever I do anything that he thinks he should do, such as buckle his carseat in, open the door, put his shoes on, put soap on his hands, I could go on forever.....)

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