Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Glorious Morning!

This morning was wonderful. I woke up at 7:30 (okay, my husband got me up before he left for work because, with the nights I've been having, I could have slept in until 10:00). I took a shower, did my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast, read the paper, watched the news, and even printed out a recipe for dinner tonight. I put the chicken out to thaw before I heard the happy babblings of an 8 month old girl. Then, I heard a little voice behind me ask "is it morning for us yet, mommy?" My children slept in until 9:00 am. That's a record! And, they woke up happy! This may never happen again, so I will take what I can get.

Several days have passed without a new blog to entertain you all. A few sleepless nights will get to anyone. Can't say why I can't seem to stay asleep. It takes me an hour to fall asleep. Then, I wake up every hour and a half or so and feel the need to go an do something. Caitlin is sleeping pretty well these days, so I can't blame her. Her usual schedule is bed at 7:00 pm, bottle around 11:00 pm, and then not up again until around 5:00 am. This is soooo much better than Brandon. Of course, we have a less vague idea about what we're doing with kids the second time around. It's not the kids, so I don't have the foggiest idea as to why I'm up all night. If I have a few bad nights in a row, I end up having a night where I sleep great. This is the 4th night in a row of waking up, so I'm hoping that a good night is coming up soon. I'll be in a much better mood. Once I'm not so tired, I will write more. Right now, I need to go do some boring, housewifey stuff - fold towels, put the clean dishes away, and get the trash out the curb. See you soon.

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